Hope In Heaven

Joy Within My Heart (Poem)

Joy Within My Heart

It bubbles up

Though days are dark

Bursting out

Though tears just dried.

It keeps peace

Within my heart,

Reminding me

With Him I’m safe.

A flame not

Always bright but



How can I

Restore my joy?

How can I

Keep it here?

Within my heart

A song is sung

Of beauty, love, and


You didn’t expect

That, but truth

Takes us by

The throat sometimes.

Beauty, love, and


Must come together

To bind joy.

Why, you ask

Why? Because

If Beauty had

Not died for

Love of me

How could I

Keep my joy

Within my heart?



This poem is dedicated to anyone who struggles with depression. Jesus gives us a reason to keep fighting.


Has your joy ever flickered? What kept you going?

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