Beauty in Life

When You Can’t Serve God

I was lying in bed-again. Just the night before I had prayed and asked God to give me the grace to be able to serve Him, even in a simple way. Maybe just blessing my family and those around me. Maybe something more exciting, like missions work. I didn’t really care-I just wanted to be able to bless someone and feel like my life wasn’t simply a drain on other people’s resources.

Yet that morning I was still trapped in my sick body, unable to cope with normal stress or complete a full school load or even fold laundry. Utter exhaustion filled my bones. The terrifying part was there was nothing I could do about it. I could only wait it out and hope I would gain more energy.

The feeling of helplessness….
Read the rest at Romans 5:3-5!

I was honored to be a part of the blog series, “What 5 Christian Teens Have Learned Through Their Long-Term Illness,” on Sara W.’s Romans 5:3-5 blog. Her blog focuses on encouraging young people with chronic illness and their healthy friends and family-something close to my heart, as I am a very complicated Lyme patient.

Check it out and go follow Sara!

6 thoughts on “When You Can’t Serve God

  1. Praying for HIS strength….HIS peace.. HIS energy….to FLOOD your mind, body and soul. Your whole family is in my prayers. And my dear, you ARE a blessing….remember that!!!

    1. Oh, thank you Bella! I’m so glad it is blessing you!!!! But I’m sorry you have to struggle. It’s so hard to want to do everything all at once. But the old, much overused adage is true: no gain without pain. I pray the Lord shows you how you can best serve Him!

  2. I read your full post on Sara’s blog. It was wonderful! I struggled with this same thing for a long time, and though I understand now much better how God can and is able to use me, and let me serve Him in whatever health state I’m in, it still comes back to drain my confidence at times. I have to remind myself, God is good, all the time. He never changes, and His love for me is eternal and unconditional. I don’t have to earn His favor or approval, and it’s my joy and honor to serve Him in every big or little way I am able. A verse I often cling to is 1 Corinthians 1:27 “But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;” God didn’t choose to save me, because of what I had to offer Him. He saved me because God’s love is bigger than my limited understanding, and the only strength I need as a child of God is the strength to hold His hand and say, “I trust You and I love You, Father. Let’s walk together today.”

    1. So true, Ruth! We so often feel like we should work for God because we owe Him something. We do owe Him everything, but that’s never why He desires our service! Keep preaching the truth to yourself and others!!!

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