Hope In Heaven, Little Joys Of Life

Emiline Mine (Poem)

was it forlornity

i saw in your skittish cat eyes?

maybe beyond your whiskers

there was sadness

that matched



is it lovelornity

i see in your smiling cat eyes?

maybe in your pretty white paws

there is happiness

that matches



7 thoughts on “Emiline Mine (Poem)

  1. Very cute! Are you mimicking a particular style (I don’t know why, but it made me think of Irish or Scottish poetry)? It also makes me sad because we just lost our cat unexpectedly on Friday. He was such a sweetheart, and he was actually rather young. I love cats. They are my very favorites. 😊

    1. Thanks! To be honest my style is developing still. I’ve been devouring Mary Oliver, but this poem was written before I read any of her work. 🙂
      Do you have any books of poetry you’d recommend?
      Awww, I’m sorry! <3

      1. Unfortunately, I don’t know of any. However, I remember from my Irish lit class that the poem “Digging” by Seamus Heaney was quite well written. I really should read more poetry.

        1. We should all read more, read more beautiful poetry! Lately I’ve been reading so much more and it’s helped me both in my writing and in my life-processing.
          Also, my friend is starting this REALLY cool poetry project. I don’t think I can say anything yet but when she launches it I’ll let you know if you like!

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