
My Special Announcement (The Wilting Rose Project)

What was I so secretly hinting about in my last post? Well, let me tell you.

It’s something I am very interested in and have been working very hard on lately, and it involves some amazing people.

Have I decided to go to the moon?

Nope. (I hate rollercoasters.)

Write a book?

Writers are always wanting to write books, but no.

I can’t wait any longer, so I’ll just tell you!

I’ve been involved in an Instagram ministry since May of this year. Our mission is to remind hurting girls that whatever makes them feel “wilted” doesn’t make them worthless-because of what Christ did for us. Our ministry has grown to over 100 followers.

And we’re relaunching!

I am so excited about our newly honed focus. We took some time off to get to know each other better and pray about our direction. Several months later, we are coming back, with prettier graphics, designed by Beth Cordle, more coordinated themes, headed up by Rebekah Black, and a devotion to prayer for our ministry and for our growing community led by Krystle. Our founder, KaleighAnne, has moved on with our blessing, so I, Bethany Rose, have taken over setting visions and doing leader work. We’re also very excited to have two new members join: our sisters, the talented and artistic Michelle Black and Gabriella R.

The Wilting Rose Project is a small bright spot on Instagram, a place which can often become self-focused-the weeds of self-comparison and self-doubt or selfish narcissism crop up everywhere. That’s one reason we are so passionate about becoming a place where Jesus Christ is extolled. Because in the end, the soil beneath the cross is the only place wilting roses can grow. And if we’re rooted in Him and in each other, I have no doubt that soon a garden of roses will flourish.

We need your help, though, if we are to reach more young women! Would you consider following us on Instagram?  I’m especially excited about our December theme: Focusing On Christ When You’re Wilted. (Some of the posts coming up are about Mary’s faith in God and focusing on God instead of material things.)

Many Christmas blessings to you! I have been hoping to get back to more frequent WRJ postings, and to send out an email to my newsletter soon. Don’t forget to subscribe to Wild Rose Journal post notifications and also to the separate email newsletter. I hope it will encourage you!

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